如何保养翡翠?How to take care Jadeite Jade?

如何保养翡翠?How to take care Jadeite Jade?

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  1. 避免与硬物碰撞,翡翠硬度虽高,但是受到强力的碰撞之后,它还是会有可能产生暗纹或裂纹,这会大大损坏其价值和美观度。
  2. 翡翠吊坠,挂件,手把件等在佩戴之前,要时时刻刻注意系绳是否牢固;除此之外每隔一段时间或是每年更换系绳,以免心爱的翡翠掉落受损或遗失。
  3. 避免把翡翠安置于干燥处,特别是长期暴晒在阳光下,避免长时间出大汗时佩戴。
  4. 翡翠佩戴久了,会有污垢或者油渍附在表面,这时候用温水轻轻清洗就可,不要放清洁剂或肥皂等等。
  5. 翡翠不佩戴时可放置于相对封闭湿润的环境。
  6. 每隔一段时间能把翡翠浸泡在清水之中,大概30分钟,这能让翡翠保持水润。

How to take care Jadeite Jade?

  1. Avoid slam with hard objects, hardness of Jadeite Jade is high, however if it being hit by strong impact, it still possible to crack or generate an internal hairline crack, which will greatly affect its value and cosmetic.
  2. Before wearing Jadeite Jade Pendant, Bracelet, and so on, please check and ensure the string is firm and no damage. You may change the string every year or certain period to prevent the Jadeite Jade drop or damage.
  3. Avoid placing the Jadeite Jade at a dry and hot environment, especially the place that will exposed to the sun light and do not wear the Jadeite Jade if during some activities that will continue sweating.
  4. Avoid using any detergent or soap to clean the Jadeite Jade as it will damage the Jadeite Jade contain. Only use warm water to clean the Jadeite Jade.
  5. To store and keep the Jadeite Jade, should place it at cool and closed environment.
  6. Once awhile, can soaked the Jadeite into the clear water for around 30mins. This will help the Jadeite Jade remain moisture and shining.